We went back to nowhere, and the sun shone. Back on the trail again, despite my growing aquaphobia which in the event was not an issue. No “watter” as Neil says.
We drove over to a spot on the map near Leslie which appeared to have the route crossing the main road and found the spot and parked my car and drove back to Nowhere to leave my car there. Neil being Neil lent on the car, and complained bitterly that the hand brake was not on: as if that mattered. Just because the car moved… A mere detail. Neil can be quite critical sometimes.
We headed north to the junction where we’d abandoned the walk the last time out, and headed for Kinglassie (daft really: how can a King be a lassie..). There was a marker at the junction indicating that you could go either way. That was news. And 20 metres on thee ws a post indicating rightish, which as far as I could see took you across a barbed wire fence into a field. We muttered darkly about waymarking on the Pilgrim’s Way and headed up to Woodend near Cardenden but hooked left along the road to Kinglassie. Neil was as pacey as ever but I managed to keep up.
A Flock of Coos
At last…. a mention of the Pilgrims’ Way
Neil failed to appreciate the flock of coos in the field the other side of the fence, but I pointed out that Mo would appreciate the shot. The man is much movement, and little soul.
We road walked the boring B921 toward Kinglassie. the concensus was that this was a tedious part of a generally uninspiring route. The sole excitement was the overgrown but still (probably) viable railway line.
Over the railway bridge and 200 metres on, the road throws a right which was much to Neil’s disappointment as the road appears to carry on northward as a track. But Kinglassie welcomed us.
I like Kinglassie. It has heart. And it makes mention of the Pilgrims’ Way on the welcome sign. As ever with Fife villages and towns, the history of a place is tied up with coal mining